
Pastoral Support - a personal approach

Hurstmere School is a welcoming and happy place to work and learn in. Our pastoral system provides support and guidance for all our students via the House System, which provides a sense of belonging, identity and community. Throughout their school career, students are supported primarily by their Form Tutor and Pastoral Leader, who provide a crucial link between life at home and school. Should any of our students face personal difficulties or challenges, the school is proud of the range of appropriate additional support it can offer- this may be in the form of counselling, emotional literacy or restorative support. Our belief at Hurstmere is that students work and achieve best when they feel safe and connected.

The school is proud to have been awarded Diana award2 'The Diana Award Well-being Badge'.   This prestigious award acknowledges the school's dedication to the mental and emotional health of students, demonstrated through a range of activities in lessons, extra-curricular events, clubs and in the students themselves.

The Diana Award assessors said, "We are so impressed by all these incredible well-being focused activities. It seems that the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors have had a really positive impact on well-being in school and created an environment where everyone is encouraged to talk about their emotions and their well-being concerns.  Congratulations, we are awarding you the Well-being Badge! What a fantastic achievement and a true testament of your hard work as a team."


Academic Support

The Form Tutor will be a special part of a student's academic life and their Pastoral Leader will help students to make the most out of every opportunity available to them. The students' progress will be monitored to ensure the school is doing everything it can to enable all students to succeed. Needless to say that over time, our pastoral staff gain an excellent knowledge and understanding for all the students in their care.