The Library/Learning Resources Centre (LRC) is situated in Room 4 on the first floor of the main school.
Opening Times
Every day from 8 am until 4 pm
Staffed by Mrs Topcu, the Librarian with assistance from volunteer pupil librarians at breakfast club, break time and lunchtime
Breakfast Club
8 am - 8.20 am
Newspapers, magazines, quiet reading and study
12.50 - 1.30pm
For homework, research and reading
Carnegie Children’s Book Award Shadowing from April – June for pupils from Years 7 - 10
Laptops are available for research and homework
Chess and other strategy games available
During Lesson Times
During English lessons for library and information literacy skills lessons
With your class teacher for research
For small groups of pupils, accompanied by a Teaching Assistant
For individual research with permission from your class teacher
For individual lessons from the Bexley Education Support Team.
Reading Scheme
Organized by the AEN department, involving volunteer parents and members of the local community.
Aims to raise the standards of literacy of pupils identified as needing extra support and to encourage a love of reading.
The newly refurbished library contains books and magazines for homework and leisure purposes
Lap top computers with Intranet and Internet access
Audio books
Music CDs.
National and local newspapers, including archived ones of major events
Community, health and local tourist information
The Connexions Careers Library
Additional Facilities
Photocopying facilities. Charges are 5p for each A4 copy and 10p for each A3
A laminating service is available at a cost of 50p for each A4 and £1 for each A3
A guillotine and a variety of staplers and other office equipment may be used under supervision