Year 7 Numeracy and Literacy Premium Catch-up Premium
Year 7 Catch up Premium
The literacy catch-up premium gives schools additional funding to support year 7 pupils who did not achieve the expected standard in reading at the end of key stage 2. The expected standard is a score of 100 (in a range from 80 to 120).
Schools receive this funding in February to March of each year, but we chose to spread our provision across the whole year, from as soon as Year 7 join us in September. In Year 2019/20 we have doubled the amount of students in Catch Up premium.
Year 7 Literacy Catch- Up Premium
The Literacy Co-ordinator selects boys in Year 7 who would benefit from some extra sessions in basic literacy skills to aid them not only in English but in all their subjects. In 2018/19, 12 boys were selected and this year 2019/20 the cohort has been doubled to allow us to work with students that did not meet the national average attainment level in the SAT English scores.
These sessions include: punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, grammar as well as approaches to comprehension and challenging texts and writing descriptively.
The sessions are held twice a week with two sets of students in small classes of 12, after school. Each session focuses on a particular skill with plenty of opportunity to practise them.
From last year’s data, it is clear that attending a catch-up session had an impact on their attainment across not only English but all subjects. With regular attendance boys did show clear progress and improved by one level. Some of the students have learning difficulties which involve processing and memory and so the impact can be less noticeable in immediate level progress but it is clear that familiarity and repetition with English skills is beneficial to their confidence and self-esteem which is also of importance.
Isabelle Sporidis
Literacy Co-Ordinator
Impact of Provision during 2018/19
12 pupils received additional teacher support and preparation as part of the Year 7 Literacy Catch Up programme during their first term in Year 7 in 2018. This was continued during the following spring term. |
75% of these students showed an improvement in residuals from .32 to .19 showing an improvement in grades and attainment across subjects. |
100% of students achieved one progress level of attainment above their KS2 level and 25% of students achieved two levels of progress.