Music Curriculum Documents |
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Curriculum Rationale KS3 |
Curriculum Plan |
Learning Journey KS3 |
The aim of the Music Department in the Lower School is to engage every student in practical activities. They are introduced to keyboard, percussion and guitar skills whilst, at the same time, raising their aural awareness, knowledge and appreciation of a wide range of genres in music. The department has also purchased a number of computers, as used in the music industry, on which the students are shown how to both record and create their own music on.
Pupils might be asked to identify music extracts from other areas of the world, instruments, ensembles, and express their opinions on a particular style. They will also be required to comment on their own/other pupils’ performances and compositions.
The tasks set would either be to achieve a whole class performance of a chosen piece of music, or to demonstrate individual progress and skill from a range of performance options. Students are assessed in performance and have the opportunity to do so on their own instruments should they wish to. This is conducted in the style of the GCSE assessment and gives an indication of their capability in development in this area.
This activity might take place within a whole class performance when chosen individuals are asked to improvise a response to a given stimulus, or when small groups of pupils are asked to compose within a style being studied. Finished compositions can be expected to be performed in front of the class.
Instrumental Lessons
We have a small team of instrumental teachers who provide specialist tuition. Pupils who have had tuition in their Junior School are encouraged to continue with their study on entering Hurstmere School. Should we be unable to facilitate your son’s needs, we recommend that you contact the Bird College in Sidcup to discuss continued tuition. Additionally pupils who demonstrate a musical aptitude in the classroom are encouraged to consider taking up specialist lessons. A charge has to be made for this additional provision, however, there are a number of options for length of lesson available which may help to keep costs down. On indication of interest, parents/guardians will be given direct contact with the peripatetic teacher to discuss requirements and costs.
Our aim is to give pupils a wide variety of skills and knowledge to make music both for their own enjoyment and for the enjoyment of others.